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Montgomery Township Recognizes Retiring Supervisors and Township Manager

Retiring members of the Montgomery Township Board of Supervisors, Mike Fox and Jeff McDonnell, were recognized for their 12 years of public service during the Board of Supervisors Meeting on Dec. 16,  marking it their final meeting as board members.

Although Mike Fox was (regretfully) unable to attend, the board shared great memories with both Jeff and Mike, and thanked them for their dedication and hard work.

Retiring Township Manager Larry Gregan was also recognized by both the board of supervisors and Senator Maria Collett’s Office for his 42 years of public service. Larry has also been recognized by State Representative Todd Stephens and Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick during the November Board meetings. Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick presented Larry with an American flag that was flown over the United States Capitol, in honor of his public service, along with the news that his retirement was placed on the Congressional Record, where he will be a part of United States history forever.

The meeting concluded with the appointment of current Montgomery Township Manager Designee, Carolyn McCreary, to the position of acting township manager. Carolyn will be officially appointed as township manager during the annual reorganization meeting on Jan. 6, 2020.

Supervisor-elects Annette Long and Beth Staab will also be appointed to the board of supervisors during the reorganization meeting.

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